there he comes again in my dream
he was so close
as i could touch him
staring at me, speechless
as if he wants to say something
but he can't
i wonder why he is always there
it's been six years after he left
but he is always shown up in my dreams
specially when i am feeling sad
but last night ev'rything is fine
i met my mother, she was happy to see me
i finished my job earlier so that my partner could finish our report soon
i talked to my dee at phone, i am so happy to hear his voice. and i miss him
i went to music store with my best buddy, i am so glad he was healthy and laughing
but suddenly he came
then i feel blast from the past
he was the nerd who introduced me with internet
he was the one who taught me laplace
he was the one who waited for me after class
he was the one who made me like bicycling
he was the one who climbed the hill with his red bike to see me at home
he was the one who was waiting while i was abroad
he was the one whom i wanted to share my life with
until the day he came and said, ' irma, i don't have the heart for you anymore. and all of our wedding plan is finished.' it was just months before the planned wedding
then i know he is not the one that i should wait
i don't know where he is now, and i don't want to know
i don't want to see him
i just wish him happiness
may he and his wife and their two little girls are happy and healthy
God, please take good care of him
You know how much i love him
deep in my heart, i still love him
siapa ma?? *mukagosip* saingan yudhi yak?
ReplyDeleteeh sabar bu....toch semuanya khan ada hikmahnya (lho kok sinetron) ;-)
bukan bu, dia datang dan pergi sebelum wahyudi masuk dalam hidup irma
ReplyDeletewuaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh... laki gitu mah ke laut aja! im sure he is a good guy, BUT ngga jodoh, ngapain dipikirin lagi? sayang mimpi2 diisi sama yang gituan... let it go, say. yang beginian cuman jadi racun di hati.... rugi bandaaaarrrr... hehehehe
ReplyDeletenih ya.. dengerin pengalaman nenek2 yang udah makan asam garem kehidupan.... hehehe... cinta yang lo rasakan when u say "i stil love him" ..its not really love, darling. its the love you had in the past... its the memory that u love. berani tarohan sama camera pocket-nya dee2 (dee2, silahkan ngamuk!)... kalo lo ketemuan lagi sama dia... dan ngobrol2, lo akan yang, "huh? kok cuman segini aja? tampang sama, senyum sama, tapi kok..... B aja ye? ...yeile... tau gini gue ga buang waktu mimpi2 basi sama dia..............."
hihihihi.. kenapa? karena cinta kamu, hati kamu itu udah diisi sama yudi, si pria ganteng pendiam baik hati, tidak sombong dan suka menolong sesama ituuuw. hati cuman satu, sumpek kalo diisi banyak orang.
u just love the memory of what u had with him... NOT him. beneran deh. soalnya nenek juga begitu dulu... hehehehe... nah jadinya keep the memory in ur heart, cherish it, because thats what makes u complete... tapi jangan dijadiin beban (atau jadi penghalang kamu untuk menikmati kebahagiaan kamu sepenuhnya dengan si pujaan hati aka yudi bujangan lapuk harapan setiap wanita! hihii) its a memory and nothing else.. :-)
neeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk .............. gw malah nggak mau ketemu dia lagi. kan udah gw ceburin ke laut semuamuanya yang berhubungan sama dia. cuma sebel aja kok dia nggak sopan banget masih suka dateng-dateng ke dalam mimpiku. padahal kan nggak kuundang :((
ReplyDeletesempat bertahun-tahun nggak mau ke bandung karena takut ketemu dia secara nggak sengaja. setelah ada wahyudi baru berani ke sana lagi itupun harus ditemenin sama si om bewok itu :D