Monday, January 29, 2007

what a nice e-mail

Beste Irma,


kudoakan biar kamu cepat sembuh ya... en semoga sukses operasinya...

kapan mau dioperasi?



Ini imel pertama yang irma baca waktu sampai di kantor tadi pagi.  Dikirim dari seorang teman yang nggak pernah irma temui secara langsung.  Cuma saling sapa via email.  Awalnya karena dia suka minta catatan perjalanan yang irma bikin tiap kali pulang jalan-jalan.  Lalu berlanjut ‘ngintip’ - in multiply nya irma.  Jadi dia juga tau sakit yang menemani irma beberapa hari ini.


Senangnya J  It’s really nice to know that somewhere out there someone so care about me …



Somewhere out there

beneath the pale moon light

Someone thinking of me

and loving me tonight

(‘Somewhere out there’ – nyanyian  tikus kecil yang kesepian, OST An American Tale)




  1. And I never thought i'd feel this way.
    And as far as i'm concerned
    i'm glad i got the chance to say
    that i do believe i love you
    and if i should ever go away,
    well then close your eyes and try
    to feel the way we do today
    and then if you can remember
    keep smiling, keep shining
    knowing you can always count on me, for sure
    that's what friends are for
    in good times and bad times
    i'll be on your side forever more
    That's what friends are for..
