Friday, January 19, 2007

against piracy

Dikutip dari cover belakang kotak CD Lover of Life, Singer of Songs - the Very Best of Freddie Mercury Solo yang irma beli semalam,

Thank you for not buying this music and for supporting the artists, songwriters, musicians and others who've created it and made it possible.  Please remember that this recording and artwork are protected by copyright law.  Since you don't own the copyright, it's not yours to distribute.  Please don't use Internet services that promote the illegal distribution of copyrighted music, give away illegal copies of discs or lend discs to others for copying.  It's hurting the artists who created the disc.  It has the same effect as stealing a disc from a store without paying for it.

It's hurting the artists who created ... makanya irma nggak mau beli yang bajakan, karena irma nggak mau nyakitin orang lain ...  Don't hurt anybody unless you want to get hurt ...


  1. berarti kalo abis nge-RIP lagu dan ngga dikasih copyright..?
    trus di-upload pula ke MP :D

  2. kalau beli cd asli dan di transfer/copy ke hp atau laptop utk dengar sendiri gimana?? ngak khan? hehe
