Monday, June 4, 2007



look at me

I’m as helpless as a kitten up the tree …

(‘Misty’ – banyak banget penyanyi yang mempopulerkan lagu ini)



last week I found an interesting book

it’s a story of two girls

one intellegent girl who has a good career

a career that ev’ry girl wants

but she is in love with someone’s husband

another girl, is quite beautiful

so lovely

his boyfriend is perfect

a kind of man that ev’ry girl dreams of

but he never purposes


hmm, sounds familiar


I’m smart, independent woman

I have a nice job that makes me travelling

as I love travelling so that job is suitable with me

I also have a nice boyfriend

who always around whenever I need

he is with me through the journey


my life is so nice

I have most of things that ev’ry girl wants in life


except one :

he never purposes


will he ?

won’t he ?

does he need to purpose ?

do I really need a proposal ?


maybe not

I’m just tired of being asked  ‘When … ?’

why don’t they ask that silly annoying question directly to him,

instead of judging me

as he is the one who has no intention of getting married, at this moment

love story doesn’t have to be ended up with marriage

in fact, life doesn’t have to be completed with being married


love hurts

it’s true



sepulang dari Citos, after a loooong deep conversation with him

percakapan yang tak pernah membuahkan penyelesaian

huh, cape deh …





  1. kayaknya kalo cowo emg musti agak d desek deh ir, to get maried.. ;p

  2. Yang selalu berputar2 di kepala :/

  3. do'i yang nggak mau. gw sih dah capek ...

  4. @ danang7 : oh begitu yaaa....

    @ irma : hmmm.....bener jg kata danang, harus lo desek ...get married now or never...

  5. btw, baru liat di blog ini nya ada foto si Taruna.
    *kirim sms ke Taruna biar buka blog irma*

  6. hahaha percuma. dia nggak tertarik dengan yang beginian (blog). btw, emang lo tau no henpon dia ??

  7. trus sekarang irma gimana ? msh teteub lanjut ama mas yudi ?

  8. doooh ... pertanyaannya ! kayak wartawan infotainment aja :p

  9. * memberikan mic ke irma...ato toa masjid aja biar lebih kenceng ? hihihihii *

  10. hoahahahahahahaaaa .... gw pilih kaleng bekas aja *ingat waktu kecil main telpon-telponan pake dua kaleng bekas disambung benang kasur*

  11. aku juga dulu maen begituannnn..pake kaleng susu cap nona..hihihihihi
