Sunday, November 5, 2006

nice day, nice song

dari satu lagu bagus yang pernah dinyanyikan Celine Dion …



Here, making each day of the year
Changing my life with the wave of his hand
Nobody can deny that there's something there

There, running my hands through his hair
Both of us thinking how good it can be
Someone is speaking but he doesn't know she's there

I want him everywhere and if he's beside me
I know I need never care
But to love him is to need him everywhere

Knowing that love is to share

Each one believing that love never dies
Watching his eyes and hoping I'm always there …

Minggu, 5 November 2006

satu hari yang menyenangkan di Bekasi




  1. gue teteup lebih suka aslinya.. The Beatles..
    dengan gitar kopong.. dikesunyian.. nyanyi..

  2. iyaaa katanya yang versi asli asik buanget tapi irma belum pernah denger.
    kemarin nyari-nyari di koleksinya om bewok juga nggak ada padahal (konon) dia kan the beatles and beetle mania

  3. nyanyiin dong buat irma, ntar dikasi klenger deh :p

  4. waaah... salam beatlemania kalo gituh!!
    gue lagi kehilangan CD The Beatles - Complete niih...
    Itu MP3 Beatles dari album pertama sampe terakhir.. lengkap dengan lyric & susunan album-albumnya.. **ada di mana yaaa**

  5. waduuuh... ntar kalo gue nyanyiin elo klenger lagi.. hehehehehe...
    mampir2lah ke kantor gue.. gitar kopong gue di kantor.. buat iseng kalo sore-sore.. gigitaran..

  6. nggak ah, mending lo yang turun. jadi gw makan burger, lo main gitar en nyanyi-nyanyi deket situ. paling disangkanya lo tukang ngamen, hihihihi :D

  7. gpp dong.. :D
    ntar dikasi Burger sm yg denger kan.. :D

  8. kalo nggak keburu klenger duluan, huahahahahahahaaa :D
